Go Further Faster
With ecommerce plugins reach the right audience and know who is buying your book by selling direct globally to your customers.
Flexible, Custom Printing
Print-on-demand book means no trips to the post office and the ability to update your book anytime.
Custom Printing
Diversify Revenue Streams
Whether you create YouTube videos, podcasts, educational courses, blog posts, or email newsletters, repurpose your best performing content into a book.
Revenue Streams
Power Your Creator Business with a Book
Publishing a book is the perfect way to prove your expertise, establish authority, offer your fans a product to buy, and grow your brand.
6-Figure Book Business Case Study
Discover how popular short video creator Armen Adamjan monetized his business by turning his content into books.
Author Nation Presentations
Did you miss one of our sessions at Author Nation? Get the slide decks from all four of our hosted sessions.
Demystifying Book Buzz: Practical Publicity Tactics for Fiction Authors
Take advantage of a variety of tools from Lulu, from bulk fulfillment to direct sales to distribution and more.
Exploring Print-On-Demand: What’s New, What’s Hot, & What’s Not
Get up to date on the newest mechanics and latest advancements in print-on-demand. The landscape of on-demand products is evolving fast. Stay on top with insights from industry experts.
Scaling Globally On-Demand: Reaching New Markets Using Print Books & Direct Sales Tactics
Modern content creators of all kinds are leaning into direct sales to build their audience, gather better data, and earn more from every sale. This session will equip you with the insights and tools you’ll need to thrive in the competitive of book selling and direct sales.
Lulu Simplified: Everything You Need to Know to Publish Like a Pro
Join the Lulu team for an in-depth workshop and Q&A session about using Lulu. This comprehensive session covered uploading, setting a price, choosing your distribution channels, crowdfunding, and direct sales.
Power Your Creator Business with a Book
Publishing a book is the perfect way to prove your expertise, establish authority, offer your fans a product to buy, and grow your brand.
Discover how popular short video creator Armen Adamjan monetized his business by turning his content into books.
No upfront costs to publish and sell your book through Lulu.
No upfront costs to publish and sell your book through Lulu.
Book Business Case Study